Trinity Primary School

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6.

All the staff in Year 6 feel very privileged to be part of your child’s final and incredibly important year at Trinity.  It will be a year full if new challenges and opportunities, where we will encourage the children to have high aspirations and become the very best that they can be as we prepare them for the next stage in their academic careers.  Carefully planned and exciting learning opportunities will enthuse your child to learn.  We expect the children to drive their learning, demonstrating independence and resilience.  Children are encouraged to be methodical in their learning and analytical of their own and others learning.  In Year 6, as throughout Trinity, we aim to make children lifelong learners that will stand tall in years to come.

The high expectations we have throughout school, remain a key feature of Year 6.  As the oldest children in school, we expect that they lead by example.  The children will start the year by applying for their chosen role, all becoming ambassadors of our school, in their different ways, proudly wearing their monitors badges, including of course, the highest accolade of all, Head girl and boy!

Year 6 is a fun filled, action packed year where your child will make many amazing memories.  Our Christmas nativity and end of year summer production is renowned and always a dramatic, musical extravaganza! The children all eagerly await the opportunity to experience our annual residential trip to Llandudno in June.  Indeed, many exciting activities are planned, laughter and fun are in abundance and many magical life long memories are made.  Here at Trinity, we uphold many special traditions.  In Year 6, the children will get the opportunity to build on their country dancing skills and learn to dance around the Maypole!

A strong partnership between home and school is very important for your child to succeed and flourish and we value highly the role you play as parents and guardian in supporting your child’s learning in Y6.

Files to Download

Y6 Curriculum Sequence