Trinity Primary School

Year 5

Welcome to Our Year Five Class Page

Year five is a wonderful year group to be in filled with all kinds of amazing lessons and experiences. We visit Wales for a few days on a residential trip and also venture over to Manchester to broaden our scientific and history knowledge too. We are extremely fortunate to have a wide range of books on offer in our English lessons that the children really love to delve into; from King Kong, to stories from the Russian Ballet and the Titanic and to Jub, a 6-fingered little girl who delivers the happy endings to children’s bedtime stories, just to name a few. Maths is also great fun and we develop all sorts of skills in addition and subtraction, multiplication and division and the mastery of fractions, decimals and percentages. The children love to see their learning progress and gain that deep understanding with number, which allows them to flourish in pride and confidence. Geography and history are also subjects bursting with opportunities to gain new and interesting knowledge, from the Amazon Rainforest in South America to the Greeks, Tudors and Mayans, learning all about their lives in the past.  Our exciting projects in design technology sees us creating electronically controlled cars with motors and arch structure hotels fit for any kind of creepy-crawly in our Forest School area – certainly something you wouldn’t want to miss out on! Year 5 is a fantastic place and we take great joy in seeing the children arrive at school each day with huge smiles on their faces - always ready to learn, ready to strive to be their very best and ready to let their lights shine as we live out our Christian values each day in all that we do!

Files to Download

Y5 Curriculum Sequence